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Belkyra Treatment

Submental fullness is excess fat underneath the chin. Often considered more bothersome than sagging jowls or wrinkles, submental fullness makes patients look heavier, which can trigger feelings of self-consciousness. Double chins are very difficult to eliminate, and can become more pronounced with weight gain or age. Even with proper weight loss attributed to diet and exercise, many patients still struggle with double chins.

Belkyra Treatment For Double Chins

Belkyra treatment for double chins work by reducing the excess fat underneath the chin, improving facial contours and making patients look younger, healthier, and slimmer. The injectable is made of deoxycholic acid, which is extremely effective at breaking down fat cells.

During Belkyra treatment, multiple injections of the solution are placed in different points around the chin causing the breakdown and destruction of fat cells. Sessions are completed in about twenty minutes and can be done with local anesthetic for maximum comfort. Most patients will see results in two to four sessions, while some may need up to six sessions for optimal results. The best part is that once the fat has been eliminated, it stays away permanently.

Temporary side effects from injectable treatments may include bruising, swelling, or redness at the site of the injections. There is no downtime with treatment for submental fullness; patients are free to resume normal activities immediately.

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